CIA Officer Discusses His Career And Whistleblowing The Torture Program

September 19, 2023
00:00 01:00:15
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John Kiriakou has a unique distinction in history. He was formerly an officer with the CIA and, incredibly, was responsible for the capture of Abu Zubaydah, who was then believed to be the third highest ranking official of al-Qaeda.

But, it was in 2007, when Kiriakou risked all the accolades by choosing to become a whistleblower on the CIA’s torture program.

Kiriakou went on ABC News and not only said that the CIA does indeed torture prisoners, but went on to say that the torture was official policy within the agency, with knowleged of its existence reaching up to and including then-President George W. Bush. As a result of this, Kiriakou spent almost two years in prison.

This is his story.

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Josh Cohen is a journalist and commentator living out of the Midwest.

He has written for a number of reputable publications.

His fascination with history is in the story of our existence and how it is told. Keeping the tradition of storytelling alive in Eyewitness History is what drives him.
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