Band of Brothers, Episode 2: Day of Days

December 09, 2023
00:00 44:11
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In this episode Sean and James discuss Band of Brothers Episode 2: Day of Days. On June 6, 1944, Easy Company parachutes into Normandy but is scattered and many land miles away from their designated drop zones. Most of Easy reconnects, but its company commander, First Lieutenant Thomas Meehan, is missing and presumed dead, so Winters assumes command as its highest-ranking officer. He successfully leads a small group of men in destroying German artillery emplacements firing on Utah Beach from Brécourt Manor despite the German defending force being larger. Winters also captures a map of all German artillery emplacements in Normandy. Winters and several other Easy Company members earn combat decorations for their part in the attack.

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James is an Adjunct Professor of History at San Jacinto College in Pasadena, TX. He has published one book and two scholarly articles. He is also the cohost (with Scott Rank) of the Presidential Fight Club, Key Battles of the Civil War, Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, and Key Battles of World War I podcasts.
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