Key Battles of American History
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Hitler’s Last Gambit: The Battle of the Bulge

August 16, 2023
00:00 01:08:53
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In the early hours of December 16, the pre-dawn stillness experienced by the thinly held American line at the eastern edge of the Ardennes Forest was shattered by a massive German offensive. After a summer of rapid advance, and a frustrating fall of dogged resistance to their advance towards the German border, American troops and leaders expected a period of winter quiet from an army that was thought to be nearly beaten. Instead, the German military offensive intended to turn the course of the war created a massive Bulge in the Allied line and became the largest, costliest land battle in American history. In this episode, Sean and James discuss the epic battle that came to be known as the Battle of the Bulge.

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James is an Adjunct Professor of History at San Jacinto College in Pasadena, TX. He has published one book and two scholarly articles. He is also the cohost (with Scott Rank) of the Presidential Fight Club, Key Battles of the Civil War, Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, and Key Battles of World War I podcasts.
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