Key Battles of American History
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The Soft Underbelly: The Invasion of Sicily and Italy to the Fall of Rome

June 21, 2023
00:00 51:55
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On July 9, 1943, Allied forces launched Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily. 38 days later, the entire island was under Allied control. On September 3, British and American forces took the fight to the Italian peninsula, although this time, the going would be much slower and more difficult. Join Sean and James as they tell the story of the Allies’ effort to conquer the first fascist state in Europe.

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James is an Adjunct Professor of History at San Jacinto College in Pasadena, TX. He has published one book and two scholarly articles. He is also the cohost (with Scott Rank) of the Presidential Fight Club, Key Battles of the Civil War, Key Battles of the Revolutionary War, and Key Battles of World War I podcasts.
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