This American President
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REBROADCAST | Ronald Reagan: The Voice in the Wilderness Part 1

June 05, 2024
00:00 01:20:17
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To commemorate the 20th anniversary of his passing, we are rebroadcasting our series on President Ronald Reagan

“Ronald Reagan, the actor?!” exclaimed Doc Brown in the film Back to the Future when he learned that Ronald Reagan was President of the United States in 1985. Indeed, to many, the idea of the former B-movie actor as leader of the free world was an absurd idea. Few, however, would predict that this unlikeliest of presidents would alter the course of American history. In this episode, we cover Ronald Reagan’s rise to power and how he sought to do the unthinkable: win the Cold War and destroy Soviet communism forever.
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Host: Richard Lim
Producer: Michael Neal
Script Editor: Jennifer Mazzella
Production Intern: Kolyo Vanchev
Content Intern: Melina Spatharis
Artist: Nip Rogers,

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Meet Your Hosts
Richard is a writer and history enthusiast who has served at the White House and George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate.
Meet Your Hosts
Michael is a consultant and a freelance podcast producer.
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