This American President
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REBROADCAST | Ronald Reagan: The Voice in the Wilderness Part 3

July 02, 2024
00:00 01:07:45
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To commemorate the 20th anniversary of his passing, we are rebroadcasting our series on President Ronald Reagan

After entering office in 1981, Ronald Reagan insisted he wanted to reduce the threat of nuclear weapons. His critics scoffed at him, not believing he was sincere. In 1987, he stunned them by signing the INF Treaty with the Soviets, eliminating an entire class of nuclear weapons. In this episode, we cover how Reagan did just that and how his policies led to the end of the Cold War.
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Host: Richard Lim
Producer: Michael Neal
Script Editor: Jennifer Mazzella
Artist: Nip Rogers,

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Meet Your Hosts
Richard is a writer and history enthusiast who has served at the White House and George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate.
Meet Your Hosts
Michael is a consultant and a freelance podcast producer.
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