This American President
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The Vice Presidency: America's Strangest Office, with Roy E. Brownell II

May 28, 2024
00:00 55:17
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The vice presidency of the United States is not an easy job. As its first occupant, John Adams reportedly said, "I am nothing, but I may be everything." Another vice president, John Nance Garner, was even more blunt, saying the office was "not worth a bucket of warm spit" (and that's the clean version of what he said). Even worse, the Constitution doesn't give the vice president much to do. So why does America even have a vice president? The truth might surprise you. In this episode, legal scholar Roy E. Brownell II explains the long, bizarre odyssey of America's vice presidents. 

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Host: Richard Lim
Producer: Michael Neal
Artist: Nip Rogers,

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Richard is a writer and history enthusiast who has served at the White House and George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate.
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Michael is a consultant and a freelance podcast producer.
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